Speaker 2025

Conor Spacey

Conor Spacey:

Conor has been involved in the food industry for over 35 years. During his years as a chef, Conor has always had a passion for local seasonal food. Local to Conor is food that is grown, produced or farmed within 50 miles of his kitchens. But that not being enough Conor has always questioned what is the future of food? and how can we feed the planet sustainably. 

Over the last sixteen years he has deep dived into sustainability and our broken food system. Conor is known for questioning everything in the food industry and never satisfied that chefs are doing enough for the food system and planet. Conor’s investigations into our food system includes the dark side of the business from child labour, deforestation, corporate controls and many more

What has always been the norm in professional kitchens has been turned on its head. Conor has removed practices that are unsustainable and is one of the industry leaders in zero waste kitchens.

Most recently Conor’s work has also led to collaborate the setup of the Chefs Manifesto. Conor is one of the co-authors in collaboration with the United Nations sustainable development goals to implement change and putting chefs center to fixing a global food system. This has grown to over 1,200 chefs across 100 countries and work with many NGO’s to make real change.

Conor has received many accolades for his work in sustainability and attends many events globally for pop-ups, talks and demos including Paris, Rome, Milan, London, Lisbon, Dubai, Canada, Spain, Germany aswell as Ireland. You can also catch him on Virgin Medias Six O’Clock show showcasing zero waste meals. At the beginning of 2024 Conor received a notable award from the Irish Writers Guild for his long contribution to Irish food throughout his career and the 2024 Producers Champion award from Blas Na hEireann. He’s latest project is building an off the grid cookery school and farm in The Gambia, a total closed loop system it will educate communities, bring in incomes and upskill for employment in the hospitality industry.  

Conor’s first book Wasted was published in July 2023 as part of the fantastic Blasta Books. And is now putting pen to paper again on his second book

This speakers events: 

Friday 16th may 2025

This speaker has no events on Friday

Sunday 18th may 2025

This speaker Has no events on Sunday
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Speakers 2025

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Exhibitors Mayfair 2023

May 12th, 13th and 14th 2023

Friday 5pm to 10pm - Saturday 10am to 10pm - Sunday 10am to 5pm.

To receive an invite to apply for a stall please contact Bree@ballymaloe.com


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